
Mostrando postagens de 2014

Uma peça importante do quebra-cabeças PYROLURIA

The perils of parasites and Pyroluria Pyro-what?  Who is a pyro?  Isn't that somehow related to fire-starting?  I didn't know what pyroluria was either, that is, until I read and identified with practically every symptom on the list, with the exception of substance abuse. Let me go back a few steps though.  As you recall, we were treating the family for parasites, because Gavin was diagnosed with Dientamoeba Fragilis.  We have completed the Alinia and Gavin's progress since the treatment is nothing short of astounding.  I have often said that you just don't know your own child until you have witnessed them in a place of wellness.  Even I didn't realize the impact of my own words as it relates to Gavin, until now!  He is a changed child.  I didn't even know my own child, neither of us did.  His real self has always peeked through the shadows occasionally, but never have we seen such consistency, ever.  He is beami...

Non-verbal to Verbal, nao se trata somente de nomeclatura, eh uma longa jornada!

Hoje fazem 3 anos que a Bebella recebeu o diagnostico de Autismo.  Naquele 4 de marco uma junta medica com todo jeitinho veio colocar um ponto final nos sonhos que a gente tinha para nossa filha. Como eu nunca gostei de ponto final troquei por reticências...  3 anos depois estamos curtindo as Exclamações!!!!  "Somos tudo aquilo que acreditamos ser".   Chegar ate aqui levou tempo e nao só tempo, aprendizado tambem.  Se eu soubesse tudo que eu sei hoje logo que a Bella recebeu o diagnostico ela poderia estar recuperada.  Recuperar um filho nao eh anedota, acontece e tudo (TUDO) depende da postura dos pais.  Ate mesmo encontrar o medico certo depende de estudo e pesquisa porque a verdade eh que existem vários tipos de tratamentos e nem todos servem para todas as crianças. A virada de 180 graus para gente aconteceu com as Algas F2 a F3.  Aqui tem boa informação quanto ao que sao e o que fazem.  Juntamente com as Alga...

Nao se engane, sua crianca com Autismo esta sofrendo e precisa de VOCÊ!

Me inspirei em um post que eu vi hoje no Recovering Kids para escrever esse texto.  Aqui esta o post e abaixo a tradução: "This is very interesting., as my child keeps approaching being just about 100% recovered, at 4, she's now voicing her struggles she had in the past by saying things like, mommy, I looked into grandmas eyes, and I don't have to run away anymore! Things like, mommy I can dream at night! Mommy, I can hear better now! Well during our detox bath tonight she voiced, I don't see dots anymore, mommy! I wonder what that was! Has me puzzled. Anyway, any parents in here whose children can NOW tell them what and how they felt when sick or on the spectrum., I think it can be a great eye opener & help to others whose child exhibits same symptoms & can maybe try similar protocols., it's so nice to know what they struggled with and how they remember how they felt but couldn't express or verbalize during their struggle." Essa mãe...