Pizza Diet friendly
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Aqui vai a receitinha de uma "pizza" bem gostosa aprovada para a Dieta GAP's :) Bella nao so adorou como disse que me ama! O que a comida nao faz kkkkkkk!!!!
Massa de Pizza feita sem nenhum grao ou farinaceo (GAPS, Paleo, SCD diets)
Pre-aquecer o forno a 400.
Colocar papel manteiga em uma forma, cobrir o papel manteiga com Azeite de Oliva e Sal Marinho. Espalhar as rodelas de abobora do jeito que aparece nas fotos abaixo.
Assar por 30-40 minutos, ate que fiquem macias e suavemente amarronzadas. Aos 20 minutos virar as rodelas na forma.
Aos 40 min adicionar o molho e a cobertura e colocar de volta no forno ate que o queijo derreta.
Servir imediatamente.
Second, I discovered the easiest grain free pizza crust ever! I was so giddy with excitement that I was bouncing around the kitchen waiting for the crusts to finish cooking.
Cauliflower or zucchini pizza crusts provide an acceptable base for cheesy toppings in many grain free or low carb homes. Unfortunately, these crusts are rather time consuming and rely on eggs and dairy as a binder. This crust requires only about 10 minutes of prep time and is completely allergen free!
peeling the squash, slice the stem end into 1/4 inch thick slices. The
wider your squash, the larger the diameter of your mini pizza crusts.
After roasting, they are tender and slightly crisp around the edges. The
perfect vehicle for pizza toppings!
can also cut the stem end into semi-circles for pizza crusts or just
for pieces of roasted squash. Butternut squash is difficult to cut so if
you are having trouble cutting round slices, cut the stem in half
lengthwise and then cut into 1/4 inch thick slices.
Scoop out the seeds at the bottom part of the squash. Slice and roast these pieces and enjoy as a snack or side dish.
Coconut oil, pastured lard, or ghee, melted (2-3 tbs.)
Sea salt
Pizza toppings of your choice
(Use homemade tomato sauce and legal cheese for SCD or GAPS)
Preheat the oven to 400. Line 2 or 3 baking sheets with parchment paper. Peel the squash and slice as described above. Toss with olive oil and sea salt on the baking sheets.
Roast for 30-40 minutes, until tender and lightly browned. Flip the squash halfway through baking. Add pizza toppings and broil to melt cheese. Serve immediately.
- 1 Abobora-Cheirosa de preferência longa e larga
- Óleo de Coco virgem ou Azeite de Oliva ou Ghee, derretidos
- Sal Marinho
- A cobertura de Pizza da sua escolha
- (Nos usamos molho de tomate feito em casa e o queijo parmesao aceito na GAPS Full )
Pre-aquecer o forno a 400.
Colocar papel manteiga em uma forma, cobrir o papel manteiga com Azeite de Oliva e Sal Marinho. Espalhar as rodelas de abobora do jeito que aparece nas fotos abaixo.
Assar por 30-40 minutos, ate que fiquem macias e suavemente amarronzadas. Aos 20 minutos virar as rodelas na forma.
Aos 40 min adicionar o molho e a cobertura e colocar de volta no forno ate que o queijo derreta.
Servir imediatamente.
The easiest grain free pizza crust you will ever make!
Yesterday was an awesome day for a two reasons. First, The Princess Bride was on TV and the whole family enjoyed a movie night. We laughed till we sounded like a herd of snorting hogs. And all anybody said for the rest of the evening was, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”Second, I discovered the easiest grain free pizza crust ever! I was so giddy with excitement that I was bouncing around the kitchen waiting for the crusts to finish cooking.
Cauliflower or zucchini pizza crusts provide an acceptable base for cheesy toppings in many grain free or low carb homes. Unfortunately, these crusts are rather time consuming and rely on eggs and dairy as a binder. This crust requires only about 10 minutes of prep time and is completely allergen free!
Individual Butternut Squash Pizza Crusts
Grain Free Butternut Squash Pizza Crusts (GAPS, Paleo)
1 butternut squash, preferably wide with a long stem endCoconut oil, pastured lard, or ghee, melted (2-3 tbs.)
Sea salt
Pizza toppings of your choice
(Use homemade tomato sauce and legal cheese for SCD or GAPS)
Preheat the oven to 400. Line 2 or 3 baking sheets with parchment paper. Peel the squash and slice as described above. Toss with olive oil and sea salt on the baking sheets.
Roast for 30-40 minutes, until tender and lightly browned. Flip the squash halfway through baking. Add pizza toppings and broil to melt cheese. Serve immediately.
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